Friday, August 14, 2009


Summer seems to always fly by so fast. I'm disappointed in myself for not having my camera around to take more pictures. Here are a few from the past couple of weeks.

Our sweet neighbors and their children put together our first ice cream social. We had root beer floats and ice cream sundaes. As you can see the kids are being silly in this picture. The kids had a great time riding their bikes and playing kick ball, while the moms chatted. The dads, well they were a little camera shy.

Christian is such a good sport. Here is a picture of Christian pretending to be shot by our little friend Carson.

We are so proud of Ethan. He is now swimming all on his own, no floaties (yeah)

Our little Miranda aka (Mimi). The kids have given her this nickname.

Isn't it fun when your kids can find things around the house and put them to use. Well Ethan enjoys using our books as homes for his army guys. I guess this is good use according to Ethan, I prefer them to be read.

1 comment:

jksfam said...

Fun times! I MISS YOU so much! Mimi is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!