Thursday, November 26, 2009

We Love Fall

"O Beautiful Day"

Sweet Marissa and Christian

Thanksgiving Celebration at School

Our little Mimi

Young Women in Excellance

Ethan receiving his Caring Community Award with his Teacher
Mrs. Christy

Halloween 2009
She scored big for her first year

Our Lady Bug
Our Jedi

Our Family (Daddy taking the picture)
Our Mr. Baseball (Christian)

Halloween trunk-or-treat

Playing with daddy in the snow

Eating baby cereal

Trip to the pumpkin patch


The Grapers said...

Congratulations! That was such a great day and Kole knows that prayers really do work.

jksfam said...

So, so, so happy for them, but so, so, so bummed I missed it!!! Love the pictures!!! Miss you sooooooo much! Ugh!

Meredith Haag said...

So cute! Congrats to your kids!!!