We officially have a teenager in our house (yikes)!. This past weekend was great, we had several family members here from California to come and surprise Marissa for her birthday. Our family arrived on Friday morning the 25th. Our goal was to surprise each one of the kids separately. First it was Ethan at the airport, he was speechless. Second it was Christian at his school he was completely surprised and turned red from ear to ear. Last it was Marissa. We had planned her surprise very carefully. Marissa goes to physical therapy at least once a week for her arm. I booked a fake physical therapy appointment for her a couple of weeks ago for that Friday the 25th. While I went to pick up Marissa the family waited for her at our home. I had to think of a way to get Marissa home before we had to go to her appointment. When I picked up Marissa I told her that I had left my wallet at home and that I needed to go back home to get it, I also told her that I called the physical therapy office to let them know we were going to be a little late. Marissa and I just talked all the way home, right before we got home I told her if she could run into the house with me and grab my wallet while I go to the restroom. She came into the house and had the surprise of her life. She was so taken by the surprise she bursted into tears of joy. She hugged her grandma first and then her cousin Pamela next. The surprise was priceless.
Thank you to grandma and grandpa for making this possible and for putting together a wonderful bar-b-que for Marissa. We love them so much and are so grateful for them for coming. We are also grateful for Cousin Pammy and Danny and Uncle Danny and Uncle Jose Louis for coming as well. Marissa was so happy to see everyone. I think this will definitely be a birthday she will never forget.
It is amazing to me how time passes us by. I can remember as if it were yesterday bringing our daughter into this world. The tears of joy came to my eyes then as they come into my eyes now. I found myself in tears a few times this weekend as I looked at this amazing young girl grow up before my eyes.
I love you Marissa and look forward to many more Birthdays!!!
P.S. The first couple of pictures are of Marissa being surprised. The next few are of her and her family during there stay.