You would think i had fallen off the face of the earth. Well I'm still here just being extremely lazy when it comes to my blog. I love blogs and find them so much fun to read. I've decided to get my act together and start blogging again. These past several months have been pretty busy. We had our basement finished "yeah". Our niece from South America came to live with us this past July and will stay for 1 year to go to school. We had our family come and visit us this summer which was wonderful, I love my sister in-law and her sweet family.
I started working a few hours a week at one of our local hospitals here in Colorado. I work in the ER department as an admissions rep. It's pretty interesting, it definitely humbles you. You go home and want to hug your family and never let them go.
Ethan started soccer in the fall and had a great season. It was priceless to see this little guy with a huge smile on his face after he scored a goal. Christian played summer and fall baseball this year and can say that baseball is definitely his passion. He will start basketball next week. Marissa is enjoying being an 8th grader. She got braces this summer and is now our very own robot. She had injured her arm last year and had to stop swimming. One of our dear friends from church recommended a Dr. that could help her. He really has helped and she was able to start swimming this past October. She is so happy to be back in the water again. I believe she is part fish. So that has been our past few months in a nutshell. I love being a mom and watching my children grow. I count my blessings everyday and thank my heavenly father for giving me such a wonderful husband and family.