Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Baseball Tournament

This weekend Christian had his first baseball tournament with his new team the Titans. The boys had a great time and played really well. They have such awesome coaches that really teach the boys how to play and improve their game. This is the first tournament of the season and they won all their games and came home with first place medals. We are so happy for them.

Christian is the second boy from the left, can't miss his big grin

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy "5th" Birthday Ethan

This week was Ethan's 5th Birthday. Lucky little boy was able to celebrate his Birthday 3 times. Once at home on Wednesday for his actual birthday, then at pre-school and then finally this Saturday he had a party with friends. They had such a great time. Our theme was sports. Our family is big on sports, we love to play them all. We had our basement set up with 7 different stations from shooting hoops to scoring goals. Here are a few pictures to remember this past week.

Ethan is such a blessing in our life. He always makes us laugh and smile. He says the funniest things. I love his random hugs and his loving heart. He is going to make a wonderful big brother. Happy Birthday Big Guy, we love you Ethan.

A family picture, not the best of pictures but I'm grateful to have one they can be very difficult to get at times.

Getting a call from Grandma and Grandpa and cousins while eating his cake.

Cupcake time at pre-school

Being silly with all his friends

Making some very important wishes

Each of the kids took a picture infront of the sports player

Playing musical chairs, our little friend Luke won

Playing pin the medal on the sports player

Here are a few pictures of some of the games they played in the basement. A big thank you to Marissa, Christian and my niece Nicky for putting this all together. I couldn't have done it without you. They are my lifesavers.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fire Station Field Trip

This past Monday Ethan's class had a field trip to the fire station. Marissa and Christian were off school this past Monday and decided they would like to join us. We had a great time and believe it or not learned something about the fire department. Here are a few pictures that captured our day.

Marissa, Craig (Ethan's buddy), Ethan and Christian

Marissa trying on the fireman's jacket

Ethan and Christian holding the hose

Ethan and his buddy Braedan sitting inside the fire truck